Cloud Posse DevOps "Office Hours" Podcast
Cloud Posse holds public DevOps “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related. These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.Register here:, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.
Cloud Posse DevOps "Office Hours" Podcast
Cloud Posse DevOps "Office Hours" (2025-03-05)
Cloud Posse
Season 7
Episode 10
Cloud Posse holds LIVE "Office Hours" every Wednesday to answer questions on all things related to AWS, DevOps, Terraform, Kubernetes, CI/CD. Register at